The World's leading Fine Wine Magazines

The world’s leading fine wine magazines is presented with breathtaking wine art photographs and an award-winning design. Each luxurious issue uncovers the world of fine wines through winery and winemaker profiles, vintage evaluations, historical wine sagas, as well as thorough tasting notes. The magazine’s lifestyle articles seek out the greatest restaurants to tell the successful tales of these master chefs and other luxury craftsmen.


The world’s only magazine dedicated to champagne, with befitting presence of luxury lifestyle. An informative and entertaining read for lovers of champagne, the most enchanting beverage. FINE’s most celebrated magazine includes tasting notes; the history and making of champagne; lifestyle articles on world-class restaurants, hotels, and events; as well as profiles on champagne and luxury legends.


The world’s leading fine wine magazine is presented with breathtaking wine art photographs and an award-winning design. Each luxurious issue uncovers the world of fine wines through winery and winemaker profiles, vintage evaluations, historical wine sagas, as well as thorough tasting notes. The magazine’s lifestyle articles seek out the greatest restaurants to tell the successful tales of these master chefs and other luxury craftsmen.


American fine wine lovers’ own regional edition of FINE, that has brought the enjoyment of fine wines to new heights. The exclusive stories on the world’s finest wines are elegantly accompanied by award-winning photography. Further to the ample content on wineries, vintages, winemakers, and wine investing, the issues also include luxury lifestyle articles with profiles of the top restaurants and resorts, luxury items and experiences. 

Finest Wines

FINEst WINEs is the world’s only publication that focuses entirely on wine collecting and investing. We give accounts of wine auction results, as well as of the auction houses themselves. We will do our best to find the most reliable marketplaces for buying and selling wines, and to pick out the genuine wines from the fakes.

            Furthermore, the magazine includes the world’s first Wine Concierge Service and FINE Wine Drinkability Index®, which will allow you an in-depth knowledge of the finest mature wines and their real market value compared to their optimal drinking potential. Whether- you are a wine collector or an investor, our main aim is to help you identify the wines that offer the best possible value for you – whether that value is spiritual or pecuniary.

            A definitive, in-depth and even more professional content sets the magazine apart from the rest of the FINE publications, whilst remaining as visually stunning as one would expect.

            The FINEst WINEs magazine cannot be bought or subscribed to anywhere, it is available by invitation only. 

FINE Wine&Champagne India

Fine Wine & Champagne India is a unique wine magazine – the first and only one officially recognised by the Indian Government. Our editorial team and distinguished global contributors will inform, educate, inspire and initiate readers into the world of fine wine and champagne. FINE’s quarterly issues will offer fascinating insights into vineyards, privileged exchanges with wine moguls, commentaries on exclusive wine tastings, drinkability of rare and fine wines, and much more...

For more information


The number one wine magazine in the German speaking countries. Comprehensive tasting notes and estate profiles are complimented by the elegant design and photography. In addition to the extensive wine information of the region, the magazine also provides coverage on international wine estates and personalities, as well as lifestyle. This edition of FINE Wine Magazine is published in German and is available at 4800 retail points in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Ein exklusives Magazin für eine exklusive Leserschaft. FINE Das Weinmagazin genießt hohes Ansehen bei Wein-Enthusiasten sowie weininteressierten Top-Verdiener und Meinungsmachern. Eine der großen Stärken von FINE ist es, edle Produkte auf elegante Art und Weise in exklusive Geschichten sowie in ein luxuriöses Umfeld einzubinden. Genau das macht FINE zum perfekten Partner für Kooperationen mit nationalen und internationalen Top-Marken.

Im September 2010 erschien FINE erstmals mit einer Auflage von 520.00 Exemplaren als Sonderbeilage der Samstagsausgabe der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (F.A.Z.) und wurde damit zu Deutschlands reichweitenstärkstem Weinmagazin.

Viini ja Ruoka Magazine

Tastingbook Viini&Ruoka on ensimmäinen viinimedia maailmassa, joka yhdistää viineistä ja ruoasta kiinnostuneet kuluttajat, niin kotimaiset kuin maailman johtavat viiniasiantuntijat, viinintuottajat ja keittiömestarit yhteen sosiaalisen median, edistyksellisten digitaalisten palveluiden ja applikaatioiden kautta. Visuaalisesti näyttävällä ja raikkaalla ilmeellä sekä monipuolisilla digitaalisilla ominaisuuksilla maustettu media tuo viinimaailman edistyksellisimmän sosiaalisen median ja sen suomalaisille räätälöidyn -maailman lukijoittemme ulottuville. Tastingbook Viini&Ruoka -lehti kertoo heille viihdyttävästi viineistä ja niiden ympärillä olevasta lifestylesta sekä parhaista Suomessa saatavista viineistä ja niille sopivista ruoista. Neljä kertaa vuodessa ilmestyvä 96-sivuinen lehti julkaistaan niin interaktiivisena digitaalisena julkaisuna kuin painettunakin.

            Mainostajalle interaktiiviset digitaaliset lehdet tarjoavat suoran kanavan myydä ja markkinoida tuotteita ja palveluita lukijoille, ohjata lukija erikoiskampanjoiden pariin sekä tehostaa näkyvyyttä esimerkiksi tv-spottien avulla. Painettujen lehtien laaja Lehtipiste-jakelu tavoittaa lisäksi suuren osan kohderyhmästä ja tarjoaa sitä kautta vahvan tuen niin brändin kuin tuotteiden markkinoinnille.

            Painettua lehteä myydään Lehtipisteiden kautta hintaan 2,90 € ja digitaalinen lehti jaellaan suorajakeluna yhteistyökumppaniemme kautta.